Take a look at what I've been working on!

photo of landing page project

Realtor Landing Page

Built in VSCode with HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Git, GitHub, Netlify.

photo of landing page project

Dictionary App

Built in VSCode with React, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Git, GitHub, API, Axios,Netlify.

photo of landing page project

React Weather App

Built in VSCode with React, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, API, Axios, Git, GitHub, Netlify.

photo of weather app project

Javascript Weather App

Built with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, API, Axios, Git, GitHub, Netlify.

photo of world clock app project

World Clock App

Built in VSCode with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Git, GitHub, API, Netlify.

photo of AI-generator app project

AI-generator App

I built this interactive Hair Recipe Generator that gives a recipe for homemade conditioner using an ingredient that a person looks up. It was interesting to intergrate and AI into my code, write prompts, and give instructions to the AI. I used VSCode, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, AI, API, Git, GitHub, and Netlify.